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Yoga and Handstandlover based in Europe

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Woman doing yoga


Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. First codified by the sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras around 400 C.E, the practice was in fact handed down from teacher to student long before this text arose. Traditionally, this was a one-to-one transmission, but since yoga became popular in the West in the 20th century, group classes have become the norm. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning “to yoke,” or “to unite”. The practice aims to create union between body, mind and spirit, as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness.

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The hands are placed parallel to the respective surface at about shoulder width. The arms are stretched out and are in a direct line below the body, the whole body weight rests on the hands. The straight legs and feet lengthen the body axis upwards. In addition to this completely stretched form, there is the option of bending or angling the legs. The posture should correspond to that of a normal upright position as far as possible. In particular, insufficient flexibility in the shoulder area and insufficient body tension (weak trunk muscles) often lead to a hollow back when taking the position, the so-called banana handstand.

My handbalancing
woman doing handstand